About Us
In 2012 The Dansville Area Historical Society was awarded a “Get Ready” grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to develop a strategic or long range plan. This part of the grant entails reading background material and thoughtfully doing a self assessment. Then attending a half-day “brainstorming” session with a Museumwise consultant who will help us identify our mission and vision and focus on perhaps some broad aspects of our future strategic planning venture. We have scheduled a meeting on Aug. 11, 2012 consisting of DAHS board members as well as local officials and business owners.
Going forward, we anticipate receiving another grant which will allow us to hire a planning consultant. Members of the committee who wish to continue should expect background reading and a few more meetings.
Formal Organization of the DAHS:
The DAHS was formally organization May 18, 1961. The Constitution was accepted. Officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Vincent Owen, President; Robert Beecher, Vise-President; Miss Jean Bradley, Recording Secretary; Dr. Robert Hamsher, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. Walter Sorg, Treasurer. The six directors: C. Wilson Ullyette and Mrs. Bruce Hartman (three-year term); Mrs. Floyd Gary and Mrs. George Bliven (two years); and Wilfred Rauber and Charles McEvoy (one year).
The Dansville Area Historical Society was granted a Provisional Charter on January 24, 1963 by the New York State Education Department. After additional submissions, reviews and a manditory visit, the DAHS was granted an Absolute Charter on April 25, 1969.